1. After registering at Advanced Logistic Services LLC, both parties agree to the terms of the transaction, which includes a description of the vehicle, sale price and any shipping information.

2. The seller leaves the vehicle, all the keys and all related documents in our custody. The seller goes to a public notary office to make a power of attorney to our company or a representative of our company, for the sale of his vehicle, release of documents and transfer of ownership. The fees for our services might be paid in advance or after the transaction is completed.

3. Our certified inspectors from the vehicle inspection department attest the vehicle and all related documents. Our team will verify the vehicle registration book, certificate of road worthiness, service book, any lien or debt on the vehicle, VIN, export documents, import (customs documents), vehicle condition and other documents related to this transaction. After that, all the documents are being sealed and prepared for delivery.

4. The buyer is instructed to send the payment to one of our corporate accounts. The funds will represent only a deposit to our account, which is entirely refundable at the request of the buyer. The buyer can make the refund request any time during the transaction but such a request will result in a cancelation of the transaction and removal of the right to purchase the vehicle. Any movement (transfer or redrawal) of money from this account, where the buyer is advised to send the deposit, can only be made after having the buyer’s written acceptance and signature to do so. If delivery fees are present, the delivery fees are not subject to a refund.
As soon as the payment is credited to our account we will start delivery procedures. We will confirm the scheduled delivery time and date, and a mobile phone number must be provided. The buyer will be called by our representative with 24 hours prior to the delivery to confirm his presence. The delivery address will be the address mentioned on the invoice as delivery address. Before we deliver the vehicle to the buyer, our company will obtain all the documents needed for the sale of this vehicle. This include export or customs (import) documents and any other documents needed by the buyer to make permanent registration of the vehicle in the country of destination. Documents for the new owner will be made on the name (private or company) mentioned in the invoice, unless otherwise instructed by the buyer.

5. At the time of delivery the buyer will have seven (3-7) working days to test the vehicle and have it inspected at a certified dealership. The buyer can also have the vehicle verified for liens, debts, accident history, if it was reported as stolen vehicle or if he needs any additional document in order to complete registration procedure. The buyer will have to sign that the vehicle is in his custody for seven (7) working days and that he will return the vehicle in the same overall condition as he has received it. The test drive limit during the inspection period is 300 mileage. The buyer must make sure to unseal the vehicle documents and keys in front of our representative and verify that everything is in order. The buyer will receive both keys of the vehicle and all the vehicle documents in original. Our representative will call the buyer on the 7th day, to be informed of his decision regarding the vehicle and schedule a meeting for the next day.

– Accepting the vehicle:
If the buyer accepts the vehicle he will have to meet our representative and go to a public notary office to make the final sale contract for the vehicle. The sale contract will be made between the buyer and our representative (as the seller). Our representative will also present the original of the power of attorney made by the seller, to confirm he has the legal right to sell this vehicle and sign the sale contract. The buyer is allowed to make an authorized copy of the power of attorney at the notary office. The buyer must sign a document that he has purchased the vehicle and that he authorizes us to transfer the funds from his deposit to the seller.

– Refusing the vehicle:
If the buyer decides that he does not want the vehicle, he should inform us by e-mail of his decision on the 7th day (or before). We will refund the buyer the entire amount (described in the invoice as the Unit Price), to his bank account by wire transfer in less then 48 hours. The buyer must meet our representative and give him the vehicle, the keys and all the documents in original. In exchange, we will give him a document from our bank, for the release of the funds from the deposit back to his account.

6. Advanced Logistic Services LLC pays the Seller by check, ACH or wire transfer. The transaction is complete.